ICF Coaching Konferencia 2024 Ott leszek→

ICW Coaching in a foreign language

Many coaches do speak English (or any other language for that matter), they rarely endeavor to start coaching professionally. This is often related to their language learning experience and their internal expectations on what good coaching is.

In this workshop we aim to identify the internal barriers to enter the international marketplace from both as a language learner and coaching perspectives. The goal of the workshop is to increase awareness of the coaches of their internal representations of what good coaching is and what coaching in another language can bring to their professional development.

The workshop will include several small-group and pair exercises where coaches can discover their limiting beliefs and challenge them. Therefore, the workshop aims to help the coach to further develop their skills when working with clients. The workshop methodology is based on NLP since the trainer is an international NLP Trainer herself.

To participate, we recommend a B2 level of English.


Gabriella Szilvási PCC, PsyBA, NLP and soft skill trainer, business coach. She originally graduated as an English and German language teacher, and even though she shifted to sales in her early career, the topic of foreign language acquisition has remained dear to her. She has a bilingual family so she has a wide range of experience in language learning and using a foreign language as a second/working language from frontal classroom teaching to early language acquisition – learning by doing. She firmly believes that every language we speak adds to our personality, and can shift our focus and attitude. If we connect success and ease with language learning, it will be much easier to use it as soon as possible. If, however, we gain negative experiences during language learning, we may never want to use it to express ourselves. But what if you want to work with international clients…language should not be a barrier. Gabriella’s aim is to deconstruct barriers to speaking a foreign language using her wide variety of tools in NLP. 

Open yourself to new learning and experiences. Join the global coaching community from May 8 – 14, 2023 to celebrate the power and impact of professional coaching during International Coaching Week.

Make plans today, celebrate ICW with ICF and enjoy a life enriching coaching experience!

This workshop is a free online event, organized by the ICF Hungarian Charter Chapter.

Date: 10 May, 2023 10:00-12:00 (Europe/Budapest)

Zoom link will be sent out 24h before the event starts.

By joining this event, you earn 2 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Units.

Szeretettel várunk!


Dátum: 2023-05-10

Időpont: 10:00

Dátum: 2024-09-03

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#coachok, #ICF tagok

A tudatos szakmai öngondoskodás útja és lehetőségei a kezdetektől Coach szakemberként egyedül vagyunk az ügyfeleinkkel, ezért pályánk elejétől fontos a szakmai öngondoskodás, hisz a személyiségünkkel dolgozunk. A workshopon rövid elméleti

Dátum: 2024-09-13

Időpont: 10:00

– 11:30

#coachok, #ICF tagok

ICF Networking Események – Kapcsolatépítés és szakmai fejlődés minden formában Csatlakozzatok hozzánk az ICF Magyar Tagozata által szervezett különleges networking események során, ahol tavasszal és ősszel egyaránt lehetőség nyílik személyes

Dátum: 2024-09-19

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#coachok, #ICF tagok
A mindennapokban sok kérdést kapunk tőletek a minősítésekkel, megújításokkal kapcsolatban. A program célja ezeknek a kérdéseknek a megválaszolása. A programot vezeti Dömény Erika PCC, az ICF Magyar Tagozatának Akkreditációs Igazgatója.