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ICF & Hogan introduces: Future of Coaching in Organisations

Future of Coaching in OrganisationsFuture of Coaching in Organisations

Exclusive ICF Hogan Conference with limited seats

April 19 – 20, 2018 
Akvarium, 12. Erzsébet tér, 1051 Budapest, Hungary


Tools, ways, methods in the brave new (?) world.

What’s beyond “going all #digital”?

HR events around Europe are focusing on the #FutureofWork, #Digitalization, #HRTech as we see the rise of Workforce analytics, Gamification and many other things.

Is digitalization going to take over the business fast? If yes, which players are going to have groundbreaking interventions?

Who has the chance to cater to the coaching community and its clients?


The ICF Hogan conference explores and questions new ways of thinking in the evolution of coaching.


Why should you attend?


As Business leaders:

  • Find out how the leaders in the coaching profession can help you support your business.
  • Explore how assessment tools and other supporting science based applications, how they can help your business to grow.
  • Meet worldwide known experts of the HR industry.
  • Talk with talented coaching professionals from all around Europe.

As professional coaches:

  • Learn about new techniques, trends and tools to use in your daily work.
  • Discover solutions to the globally recognised challenges of the coaching industry.
  • Network with like-minded coaches from all around Europe.
  • Meet potential partners and clients.
  • Co-operate with allies who can support your work.
  • The event offers 6.25 CCEUs.
PricesEarly Bird prices 
(from January 3 to February 28)
Normal price 
(from March 1 to April 17 6pm)
ICF / Hogan member150 €195 €
Non member200 €250 €





Thursday April 19, 2018Programme

6.00 – 7.00 pm

Attendees arrival & registration
7.00 – 7.30 pm

Official Kick off and introduction

Csetneki CsabaCsaba Csetneki, PCC | ICF Hungary President


Speaker information (pdf)







Zsolt Fehér, Director | Hogan Assessment 

Speaker information (pdf)

7.30 – 8.30 pm

Keynote speech: “Coaching The Uncoachable”

Dr. Robert HoganDr. Robert Hogan | Hogan Assessments


Speaker information (pdf)

8.30 – 10.00 pm

Networking reception




Friday April 20, 2018



8.00 – 8.45 am

Speed Networking game

9.00 – 9.15 am

Csetneki Csaba PCC


Introduction and inspiration of the day
Csaba Csetneki, PCC | ICF Hungary President, Hungary

Speaker information (pdf)

9.15 – 9.45

Welcome note and why ICF and Hogan are partnering











Colmon Elridge | ICF

Vice-President of Global Development      
and Membership, USA

speaker information (pdf)


Dustin Hunter










Dustin Hunter | Hogan Assessments

Head of International Distribution Network



9.45 – 10.45

Keynote speech – Coaching and Talent Management for a Multi-

Generational Workforce


Colin Mc












Colin McIlheney | PwC 

Global Research Director, Ireland

speaker information (pdf)


Mike Ruth










Mark Ruth | ICF

Director of Research and Education,

10.45 – 11.15


Coffee Break in the foyer


11.15 – 12.00 

Panel discussion: Understanding the mind of the coaching consumer

5 business representatives will be invited from Hungary and Europe to discuss and interact on this topic

Grazyna Baka, HR Executive Director at PKN Orlen, Poland
Petra Reichenbach, HR Manager at Randstad Sourceright, EMEA, Hungary
Vladan Buha, Training Development Director, Gazprom Neft, Serbia
Géza Palocsay, CEO/General Manager at Schibsted Classified Media, Hungary
Petra Jakobsen, HR Director at Invitel Group, Hungary

Facilitator: Zsolt Feher, Hogan Assessments

12.00 – 13.15

Parallel Sessions in Ted style dedicated to business leaders and coaches

12.00 – 12.20

Business Stream

Measuring ROI of coaching 

Piotr Olaf Cylicz










University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS)

Head of the International Center for Research on Leadership


speaker information (pdf)

Coaching Stream

Executive Team Coaching: Contracting
and Psychometrics

Rostislav Benak

Rostislav Benak









Assessment Systems International

Chairman of the board

Czech Republic

speaker information (pdf)

12.25 – 12.45 

Complexity and Paradox of Power in Leadership

Daphna Horowitz MCC, 

Vice – President ICF Israel Chapter


Speaker information (pdf)

Dapha Horowitz












Explore ethical dilemmas and introduce

a model for ethical decision making in a corporate environment

Janet Wilson PCC

Immediate Past President UK ICF Chapter

United Kingdom

Janet Wilson

12.50 – 13.15

The Challenge of Participative Management: transformational keys and insight

James Dillon PCC

Emerging Step

Senior International Consultant


Speaker information (pdf)

James Dillon

Cross-cultural coaching

Leda Turai-Petrauskiene MCC

Lecturer at Executive MBA,

ISM Executive School, ISM University of Management and Economics

Past ICF Global Chair 2016


Speaker information (pdf)

Turai Léda MCC


13.15 – 14.15


Lunch in the foyer 


14.15 – 15.00

Energising workshop for business leaders and coaches


Business Stream


Clean Language for teams: from contempt to curiosity

Svetlana Shapovaliants PCC

Ancora Impario CEO/Chief Creative Officer


Speaker information (pdf)


Coaching Stream


Develop your presence as a coach – Become more effective with your clients in a world of change

Hélène Aubry Denton MCC

IDC Coaching Institute, Business Owner


Helen Aubry Denton

15.00 – 16.00


Keynote speech: The impact of Coaching on Leadership and Organizational Culture 

Michael Siller



Michael Siller, PCC

Michael Siller Coaching, Business Owner, Austria

 Speaker inforamtion (pdf)

16.00 – 16.30

Coffee Break in the foyer

16.30 – 17.15


What are the ICF Prism Awards and will your company be among the next winners? Interactive gamification


Yana Blackwelder, PCC, USA | Managing Consultant and coach representing Coca-Cola Russia

Speaker information (pdf)

Gizella Ersek, PCC Hungary | L&D Manager Ericsson Hungary

Tamara Szabo, PCC, Hungary | Employer Branding Program Manager and Internal Coach (PCC) at Ericsson Hungary

Yana Blackwelder PCC

Szabón Tamara










Facilitation by Zsolt Feher and Csaba Csetneki

17.15 – 18.00


Day wrap-up and conclusion
Pepita Playback Theater



18.00 – 19.00      Farewell drink


Szeretettel várunk!


Dátum: 2018-04-20

Időpont: 07:00

Dátum: 2025-01-27

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#coachok, #ICF tagok
Minél nagyobb a rés a cochee vágyott helyzete és jelen valósága között, annál inkább szükséges kilépnie a komfort zónájából a változás sikere érdekében, így annál nagyobb belső ellenállás keletkezik benne.

Dátum: 2025-02-11

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#ICF tagok
Minden egyesületi tagunkat tisztelettel hívjuk az ICF Magyar Tagozata 2025. évi megismételt tisztújító közgyűlésére.

Dátum: 2025-01-16

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#coachok, #ICF tagok
Trénerként és coachként nagyon sokféle eszközt használunk: képkártyák, LEGO, fa bábuk, szókártyák – a listát hosszan lehet folytatni! Ezen a különleges programon trénerek és coachok hozzák el kedvenc eszközeiket, és
    Üres a kosaradVissza
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