Egyesületi tagdíj befizetés 2025 Bővebben→

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ICW│Csaba Csetneki PCC, ACTC

#coachok #ICF tagok

Building Trust Ethically in Teamcoaching

The success of any Teamcoaching fundamentally depends on building trust. The process of the Teamcoaching starts way before we actually meet the client, the team face to face. The pre-work, the meetings, negotiations, interviews are quintessential elements to building trust.

Yet again – life happens, time frames are strict and we are forced to make all sort of different compromises, and no matter how determined, willing and professional we are in our preparations we find ourselves sitting in front of an alien team in a heavy atmosphere, missing that trust… But we need to do the work and make progress… What is even more risky that during this process some questions, requests, expectations, actions around ethics, some even very close to doing harm or breech might unnoticeably and unwillingly occur. We often might not realize them at the time as the impetus of making progress, serving the client at our very best is taking us on. We only realize them later, when the harm is done and there is a situation to handle.

On this workshop we study the process of the Teamcoaching and we consider what, when and how a Teamcoach can compromise on, what can be sacrificed or what not, and how can we manage or alter our own and our Client’s expectations. All from the aspect of keeping all ethical guidelines and boundaries whilst doing the best possible work in building the trust from our role of Teamcoach. We investigate where or how it can be endangered and what steps we can make to eliminate these. We will work with real life examples and case studies.

The aim of the workshop is the deepen the insights and toolkit of the participants and create more awareness on how a Teamcoach can be at the best service and support of the interest of their Clients in the best possible prepared Teamcoaching processes whilst keeping all professional guidelines and standards.

Main Coaching Competencies worked on in this workshop:
  1. Demonstrating Ethical Practice
  2. Embodies a Coaching Mindset
  3. Establishes and Maintains Agreements
  4. Cultivates Trust and Safety
Csaba Csetneki PCC, ACTC

As a professional business coach and trainer I am internationally credentialed by ICF as PCC Professional Certified Coach) and ACTC (Advanced Certification in Team Coaching). I work with private clients, entrepreneurs and business professionals, leaders in various development projects where I interpret embodiment, mindfulness and my dance related experience into the corporate and organizational environment. I also function as a mentor coach, coach trainer and a coach supervisor. I have been running my independent coaching, training and consulting firm since 2013.

This workshop is a free online event, organized by the ICF Hungarian Charter Chapter.

Zoom link will be sent out 24h before the event starts.

By joining this event, you earn 2 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Units.

ICW – International Coaching Week

International Coaching Week is a weeklong global celebration of the power and impact of professional coaching. We hope you can join us for ICW 2024, which takes place May 13-19!

During this celebration, we encourage individuals and organizations all over the world to understand, explore, test, and discover the possibilities coaching provides. You are welcome to join a variety of ICW events, webinars, conferences, educational workshops, panel discussions, public coaching demonstrations, pro bono sessions, and many more activities organized by ICF chapters and members in their local communities. 

Szeretettel várunk!


Dátum: 2024-05-16

Időpont: 17:00

Vége: 19:00

Helyszín: Online

Dátum: 2025-01-27

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#coachok, #ICF tagok
Minél nagyobb a rés a cochee vágyott helyzete és jelen valósága között, annál inkább szükséges kilépnie a komfort zónájából a változás sikere érdekében, így annál nagyobb belső ellenállás keletkezik benne.

Dátum: 2025-02-11

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#ICF tagok
Minden egyesületi tagunkat tisztelettel hívjuk az ICF Magyar Tagozata 2025. évi megismételt tisztújító közgyűlésére.

Dátum: 2025-01-16

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#coachok, #ICF tagok
Trénerként és coachként nagyon sokféle eszközt használunk: képkártyák, LEGO, fa bábuk, szókártyák – a listát hosszan lehet folytatni! Ezen a különleges programon trénerek és coachok hozzák el kedvenc eszközeiket, és
    Üres a kosaradVissza
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