ICF Coaching Konferencia 2024 Ott leszek→

ICW│Anett Kákonyi MCC

#coachok #ICF tagok

Kids Coaching in Practice

The Health Resources and Services Administration find that anxiety and depression among children ages 3-17 have increased over the last five years in the United States. By 2020, 5,6 million kids (9,2%) had been diagnosed with anxiety problems and 2,4 million (4,0%) had been diagnosed with depression. (JAMA Pediatrics article (March 14, 2022.).

Therefore, it is crucial to take proactive steps to positively influence children’s well-being. Kids’ life coaching emerges as one effective method to address these concerns. However, it remains relatively unfamiliar, prompting the need to delve deeper into its principles and practices.

In today’s ever-changing world children need to face life’s challenges: bullying, drugs, depression, self-harm, etc. Kids life coaching is a very effective way how we can support them facing everyday challenges in a world filled with toxic influences.

During this workshop we will cover the following topics:

  • The definition of kids’ life coaching.
  • Differentiating between coaching adults and coaching children.
  • The kids’ life coaching process: a comprehensive explanation from initial contact with parents to concluding the process with the child and their family.
  • Enhanced tools and techniques for coaching kids effectively, including additional strategies and resources.

Moreover, I will share personal experiences from my coaching journey, highlighting significant transformations that occurred in the lives of the children I’ve worked with. These cases serve as tangible examples of the impact and potential of kids’ life coaching.

During this workshop we will cover the following topics:
  • The definition of kids’ life coaching.
  • Differentiating between coaching adults and coaching children.
  • The kids’ life coaching process: a comprehensive explanation from initial contact with parents to concluding the process with the child and their family.
  • Enhanced tools and techniques for coaching kids effectively, including additional strategies and resources.

Moreover, I will share personal experiences from my coaching journey, highlighting significant transformations that occurred in the lives of the children I’ve worked with. These cases serve as tangible examples of the impact and potential of kids’ life coaching.

Anett Kákonyi MCC

I am a certified business, team, and action learning coach with MCC credentials. Additionally, I serve as a mentor coach and coach instructor.

My journey as a business coach began a decade ago. In 2015, I ventured into coaching children aged between 6 and 18 years old. My primary goal is to equip children with robust resilience skills to navigate life’s challenges effectively. While I have completed three kids coaching programs, I frequently blend various approaches and methods tailored to each child’s unique needs. I am happily married and the proud mother of two adult children.

I have previously successfully presented about this topic at ICF Converge 2023, where there was significant interest. Building upon that, I am excited to deliver an enhanced version of the workshop during the International Coaching Week.

This workshop is a free online event, organized by the ICF Hungarian Charter Chapter.

Zoom link will be sent out 24h before the event starts.

By joining this event, you earn 1.5 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Units.

ICW – International Coaching Week

International Coaching Week is a weeklong global celebration of the power and impact of professional coaching. We hope you can join us for ICW 2024, which takes place May 13-19!

During this celebration, we encourage individuals and organizations all over the world to understand, explore, test, and discover the possibilities coaching provides. You are welcome to join a variety of ICW events, webinars, conferences, educational workshops, panel discussions, public coaching demonstrations, pro bono sessions, and many more activities organized by ICF chapters and members in their local communities. 

Szeretettel várunk!


Dátum: 2024-05-15

Időpont: 17:00

Vége: 19:00

Helyszín: Online

Dátum: 2024-09-03

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#coachok, #ICF tagok

A tudatos szakmai öngondoskodás útja és lehetőségei a kezdetektől Coach szakemberként egyedül vagyunk az ügyfeleinkkel, ezért pályánk elejétől fontos a szakmai öngondoskodás, hisz a személyiségünkkel dolgozunk. A workshopon rövid elméleti

Dátum: 2024-09-13

Időpont: 10:00

– 11:30

#coachok, #ICF tagok

ICF Networking Események – Kapcsolatépítés és szakmai fejlődés minden formában Csatlakozzatok hozzánk az ICF Magyar Tagozata által szervezett különleges networking események során, ahol tavasszal és ősszel egyaránt lehetőség nyílik személyes

Dátum: 2024-09-19

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#coachok, #ICF tagok
A mindennapokban sok kérdést kapunk tőletek a minősítésekkel, megújításokkal kapcsolatban. A program célja ezeknek a kérdéseknek a megválaszolása. A programot vezeti Dömény Erika PCC, az ICF Magyar Tagozatának Akkreditációs Igazgatója.