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ICF Coachklub | Dr. Martin Hajdu György PCC

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Webinar: Annamária Barnóczki MCC | Progress & Accountability CC11

This event is an ICF Israel & ICF Hungary joint webinar, exclusive and free of charge for ICF members only.
Prior to the event only ICF members will be provided by the link to the webinar.


Core Competency #11: Managing Progress and Accountability


During the webinar we will discuss what this competency means, how to read the descriptions and the PCC markers. We will also see the connections to other competencies.

I will use 2 case studies to have a deeper look in practice and to show possible interventions to show this competency. Finally there will be space for questions and answers to make the session as interactive as possible.


Annamária Barnóczki МСС ICF, Hungary


Executive, business, mentor and team coach, HR Consultant with qualifications in business and leadership coaching, Human Resources Management and MA in work Psychology. Accumulated over 3900 hours working with leaders and teams mainly across Central-Eastern Europe over the last 10 years. Past Director of Credentialing of the Hungarian ICF Chapter and past President of the Hungarian Coach Association.

Works in 3 languages: Hungarian, Bulgarian and English. 






Date: 20th June 2019, 19:30-20:30 CET

The event provides 1 CCEU for the attendees.


Szeretettel várunk!


Dátum: 2019-06-20

Időpont: 17:30

Dátum: 2025-01-27

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#coachok, #ICF tagok
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Dátum: 2025-02-11

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#ICF tagok
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Dátum: 2025-01-16

Időpont: 17:00

– 19:00

#coachok, #ICF tagok
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    Üres a kosaradVissza
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