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ICF Magyar Tagozata Egyesület | Tisztújító Közgyűlés 2025

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Nemzetközi Coaching Hét – 2021. május 17-23.

2021-ben május 17. és 23. között tartja az ICF Global a minden évben szokásos Nemzetközi Coaching Hetet (International Coaching Week).

Az ICF Global oldalán csatlakozhattok webinarokhoz, konferenciákhoz, workshopokhoz, nyitott coaching bemutatókhoz és még sok érdekes eseményhez.

Az ICF Magyar Tagozataként mi is szervezünk eseményeket erre a hétre.

Az alábbi két ANGOL nyelvű eseményre regisztrálhattok (figyelem, akit érdekel, gyorsan regisztáljon, mert betelnek az előadók által megadott helyek!):

Catherine Tannea

Chair of ICF Professional Global Board

Coaching Panorama: Key Findings of our Latest Coaching Study and future trends

Key findings for GCS ICF Global Coaching on coaching industry and future trend of coaching.

– Coaching market characteristics and evolution
– Coaching acceptance and recognition
– Coaching impact
– Coaching future trends at digital era

At the end of this session, participants will:

– Understand the coaching market evolutions and main characteristics
– Explore coaching acceptance and recognition
– Learn about coaching impact and value creation and how this influence their coaching mindset
– Get insights on covid crisis effect on coaching market and on future trends
– Reflect on how to position themselves at the digital era and how to help their clients growth.

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Marco Tieleman

Marco Tieleman is ICF MCC and EMCC Master Practitioner Coach, Level III registred e-coach. He runs his own practice in Rotterdam since he changed in 2007 from a role of international consultant in wind energy to the field of professional coaching.

E-coaching, the future is now

Covid-19 urges you to use creativity and adapt new skills (and technology) in your practice as a coach.

E-coaches who already were equipped to use online coaching were in an advantage last year. Online coaching in written words only is a way in which your clients can fasten their results from their coaching process.

In this webinar you will discover which ingredients (like a-synchronic, text analysis and small steps) form the basis of e-coaching based on written words only and where this approach can lead. We do some practice as well together.

Do you start written e-coaching yourself in 2021?

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