ICF Coaching Konferencia 2024 Ott leszek→

ICW Spirituality in coaching: a dialogue between the Christian and the Buddhist perspective

This panel discussion will focus on spirituality in coaching. We will introduce both the Christian and Buddhist tradition as path for self-transformation. Then, we will shortly share elements from the framework of both wisdom traditions. 

The discussion will focus also on core competencies that can be developed through a spiritual point of view. (e.g. Maintains Presence, Evokes Awareness) 

We will define what spiritual coaching is and what topics tend to come up with clients who chose the spiritual approach. We also want to reflect on the common threads in the Christian and Buddhist tradition’s concept of how to realize our highest potential. To explore spirituality, I invited two MCC coaches who represent the respective tradition. We will share our own experiences as coaching practitioners on this topic. My guests will present short case studies on results they achieved by using their spiritual approach. We would also like to create a safe space for small group sharing of experiences with this topic for the audience.  


Gabriella Szilvási PCC is an NLP, Soft Skill, and Wholeness work® trainer, business coach. She is a guest lecturer at several Hungarian universities where she teaches NLP and coaching related subjects. She has an MA in German philology, a B. Ed in English studies, BA in Psychology and currently studying for her MA in Work and Organizational Psychology.  

Her interest in spirituality goes back to 2008 when she participated in a 10-day silent Vipassana retreat. Her spiritual practice currently is the Wholeness work®, a method that uses the spiritual teaching of the Eastern tradition in resolving problems.  She is interested in understading how spiritual approaches can contribute to coaching. This is the reason she reached out to two MCC coaches, who are both practicing different spiritual paths, to gain a deeper understanding of spirituality in coaching. 

Norbert Izsák PhD MCC is a coach trainer, mentor coach and trained coach supervisor, head of two Level 2 training and the head of Hungary’s only Coaching Department at a higher education institution. He holds an MA in Practical Theology from the University of Manchester and a PhD in American Religious History. Dr. Izsak is an MCC coach and a PCC credentialing assessor in English, French and Hungarian. He is the founder of Coaching with a Christian Perspective (an ICF Level 2 accredited college degree program), and as head of the Coaching Department he is the designer, author, and teacher of (Christian) Spiritual Coaching. He often speaks at religious and non-religious conferences on the spiritual aspects of coaching. He was a speaker at Converge 2021 and he was honored for his work in coaching with the Presidential Award of ICF Hungarian Chapter in 2020. 

Tamás Schieszler MCC is a coach, consciousness facilitator, and compassion teacher. 

Tamás started his career as an IT architect, team leader, and Chief Operational Officer having an MSc in IT Engineering and an MBA.  Later he co-founded a consultant company and worked as a project and program management expert and organization development professional. In his 40’s, Tamás started to build his coaching competencies. Meanwhile, as part of his inner journey, he met Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism and, in the long term, committed himself to this spiritual path. Today Tamás’ work focus is compassion as one of the most important but frequently misunderstood qualities of the consciousness.  

As a coach, he works with an approach called Compassion Focus Brief Coaching (CFBC). This year, his intention is to ally with his partner to elaborate CFBC as an ICF-certified coaching methodology. He is also writing a book to support human inner journeys with the self-transformative power of acceptance (a.k.a. love), compassion, and wisdom. 

Open yourself to new learning and experiences. Join the global coaching community from May 8 – 14, 2023 to celebrate the power and impact of professional coaching during International Coaching Week.

Make plans today, celebrate ICW with ICF and enjoy a life enriching coaching experience!

This panel discussion is a free online event, organized by the ICF Hungarian Charter Chapter.

Date: 15 May, 2023 18:00-20:00 (Europe/Budapest)

Zoom link will be sent out 24h before the event starts.

By joining this event, you earn 2 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Units.

Szeretettel várunk!


Dátum: 2023-05-15

Időpont: 18:00

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Időpont: 17:00

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